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Results for "submediums: Features - Naming the Days,Features - Spiritual Literacy World,Features - Spiritual Practice,Practices - Spiritual Practice of the Day,Practices - Spiritual Practice, main_practice: Kindness"
Punctuality Grounds for timeliness as an act of courtesy.
On Kindness to All Creation A story about the significance of small acts.
The Chance to Give A story about the best gift being to give someone the chance to give.
The Eighth Commandment Interpretation of the Eighth Commandment as prohibiting behavior that steals someone's self-worth.
A Look in the Mirror Wisdom about practicing kindness in all relationships and encounters.
Hold Family Councils Encouragement to use family councils as a commitment to the common good of your family and community.
Volunteer in New Ways Encouragement to get more involved in your community.
Practice Kindness Suggestions for infusing your day with kindness.
The Contributions of Your Peers Instructions for cultivating compassion by considering your peers.
Talk To, Not About Counsel on guarding our speech.